Latest Episode
John: Stories and Spirits
John Hartman IV, the most influential civilian in the Canard Islands, spends an evening at Pretty Lady Brothel, the local drinking spot for pirates and citizens alike. He shares drinks, swaps stories, and reflects on his place in the world as we venture into the complex web that is the Canard Islands.

The Show
Far out in the Atlantic Ocean, where the weather is hot and the sunsets are breathtaking, there lies a small island nation called the Canard Islands, plagued by pirates and politics...
Tales from the Canard Islands is a podcast set in a fictional, original island nation of pirates. There's swordfighting, betrayal, romance, and just a hint of mystery to tie in the complex relationships and compelling plotlines. With fast paced action, interesting characters, and plundering pirates, Tales from the Canard Islands is entertaining and full of treasure just waiting to be discovered.